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Colorful, Creative, and Fun Forms of Self-Expression!

Buttons & Pins

6/17/2021 | Product Feature

The good news is that COVID numbers continue to decline, and many parts of the nation are resuming normal activities as more people get vaccinated. Positivity and happiness abound as restaurants, concert venues, movie theaters, and festivals are beginning to once again bustle with activity. For the buttons/pin market, this translates to people using this medium to publicly share their thoughts and views to raise awareness about important causes.

For LarLu, the company was focused on educating the public about COVID-19, and then spreading the word about the vaccination. “More recently, we are seeing orders for summer festivals and events that are announcing a return to their yearly schedule!” Joe Durand states. “Demand has been steady and has been used by many vaccination locations to spread the word about getting vaccinated!” He adds that he is looking forward to the summer season for festivals, county fairs, and healthcare fundraising events.

Brian Bergler at Express-A-Button adds that buttons that say, “I have been vaccinated” and “We are Hiring” are the majority of the company’s orders—and that over the last few weeks business has been picking up to nearly pre-pandemic levels!

Full-color and fun are the name of the game at ID Line & ActNow Media. Eric Johnson shares that buttons and pins/badges are featuring shapes and designs that are unique to the individual—something that the employee can wear and customize. “Now on the button side (the giveaway item) fun is in,” he comments. “Fun slogans, fun sayings, humor. This grabs the viewer’s attention and gets the eyeballs on the message. The common theme all of these items (button, pins, badges) have is they are a tiny billboard to promote a brand!”

While Johnson acknowledges that demand was lower during the pandemic, he says it is increasing proportionally as employees are heading back into the office and events have been increasing. “Demand is not yet back to pre-COVID levels, but we see the demand getting back and exceeding previous usage. Get the message out there now while companies are figuring out how to re-open and be that partner in their re-opening process.”

Requests for individual fulfillment are pouring in at Gempire. Harvey Mackler maintains that companies still want to show recognition and are prepared to spend the money. “Shipping lapel pins requires special packaging,” he explains. “We are also seeing the resurgence of Crocs, and our Croc shoe emblems are very popular. Graduation medallions and pins are very popular as well.” He adds that while demand is getting stronger each month, it has not yet reached 2019 levels.

EMT’s Tom Farrell states that custom-branded lapel pins tied with causes and awareness campaigns are hot. “More and more, customers are looking to support brands who share their commitment to causes,” he affirms. “Whether it is Pride Month, COVID vaccinations, environmental issues, or Black Lives Matter, custom pins give clients the opportunity to identify their support causes while promoting their brand.”

Horror/suspense novelist Stephen King said, “Sooner or later, everything old is new again,” and ID Line’s Johnson agrees that this adage could not be more applicable with buttons/pins/badges. “When people ask, ‘What is trendy,’ I always reply that these items are not trendy—but what you put on them can make them trendy!” he shares. “Think about the message or the goal and use this communication tool to drive action. Engaging the ‘viewer’ is what makes these items best sellers.”

Gempire’s patented MeSnaps backing for the company’s metal emblems is a current top seller since the nail does not pierce the clothing. Mackler says this item is ideal for face mask emblems, emblems for children, and anyone who does not wish to use the nail and clutch.

New matte finish, soft-touch buttons are trending at LarLu, with Durand noting that they not only boast a unique look and feel but are ideal for “write-on” names or details about a newborn, as an example.

Suppliers agree that this market segment provides an inexpensive yet long-lasting method to convey a message to the intended audience. “When deciding between a button and lapel pin, think about the duration of the event or intended use,” LarLu’s Durand urges. “A lapel pin will last many weeks, months while a button is best suited for short-term events where fast production times and low price are advantages of buttons!”

Mackler at Gempire encourages distributors to be proactive. “We have found is that many distributors wait for the phone to ring requesting emblematic jewelry,” he comments. He recommends they reach out and present ideas. “We do assist with virtual presentations and have lists with recommended applications.” 

Johnson at ID Line agrees. “Ask questions,” he urges. “Ask for the sale. Simple but effective. Many times, these items are a forgotten part of the promotional marketing piece and many times, this is the item that is most remembered and saved for the future!”

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